Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day 3: Amsterdam time!

We had to wake up around 4 to head to the airport for our 7 AM flight to Amsterdam on easyjet. Pretty painless process over all and so cheap and efficient!! We were in Amsterdam by 8:30 so we got an early start! We dropped off our bags at the hotel and headed out to breakfast. We ate at Gartine, a cute little cafe in town. It was perfect.

Then, it was time for a canal cruise. It was a nice relaxing way to see the city and I think we both took a little nap. :)

After the cruise it was time for KattenKabinet...a museum about cats!!! So bizarre. It was just someone's house they had turned into a memorial of sorts for their cats. There were even two kitties roaming about we got to pet. Not the best attraction ever, but worth it to see the ridiculousness of it all.

Then we headed out to Foodhallen, a big food hall with lots of vendors to choose from. We ended up with some dim sum, weird fried balls of liquid, and some spring rolls. Oh and a fancy gin and tonic and some beer. This place is great and we'd recommend it to anyone!!!!

Now it was time to check-in and grab a nap. Then around 430 we headed to the Old Amsterdam Cheese store for a wine and cheese tasting. So fun and yummy!

Then we headed to a wonderful Dutch beer bar to taste the local nectar. The eating/drinking continued as we headed to The Pantry for dinner. It was a cute little restaurant decorated with all sorts of Dutch trinkets. We shared some shrimp croquettes and a chicken satay dish.

Then we headed to the Red Light District to take a stroll. We certainly saw a couple of examples of how the district got its name, but there were also lots of great restaurants, bars, and people watching. We ended up at a fun brewery in the district.

Our final stop was a lovely cocktail bar, Poreum. It was the perfect way to end the evening....although Michael did check out a few more beer bars after Alison went to sleep. :)

1 comment:

  1. A cat museum?? What in the world will they think of next! All that food is making me hungry! I remember going to a place that made cheese when we were there! Seeing the canal brings back a few memories of Amsterdam! Enjoy!
